Opening Hours:

Tuesday- Friday 8am-3pm (reservations and walk-ins welcome)

Saturday- Sunday 10am-4pm (walk-in only)

Please note that due to our limited seating, there is a maximum time allocation of 1 hour + 15 minutes per table. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact us:

by email

It is walk-in only for our weekend brunch (Saturday & Sunday 10am-4pm) so if you just pop by we’ll get you seated as quickly as possible. If you are looking for a SAME-DAY Booking (Tues-Fri), please call us instead as we most likely won’t see your enquiry in time.

By phone

Prefer to make your reservation via phone? Please give us a call during our opening times: Tuesday-Friday 8am-3pm and Saturday-Sunday 10am-4pm.